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October 2023 - Page 2 of 2 - ChainMoray

Робофорекс xcritical: отзывы от реальных трейдеров 2023 SCAM-проверка

Брокер может предложить своим клиентам довольно широкий список торговых активов. Кроме валютных пар есть криптовалюты, акции, металлы, индексы, ETF и продуктовые товары (какао, кофе, кукуруза, пшеница, сахар, соя, фрукты). Зарегистрировался не Робофорекс, мошенник ничего не скажешь. Расширили спред в 11 раз без причин и сняли деньги с торгового счета. В соглашении такого пункта, где прописан предел расширения спредов не было. Компания просто принимает решения на свое усмотрение и Вы ничего не докажете.

Как открыть счет на xcritical?

Также xcritical оформил сотрудничество с The Financial Commission (сокращенно FinaCom). Эта независимая организация отслеживает работу брокеров-партнеров и принимает участие в разрешении споров с их клиентами. Если брокер нарушил оферту предоставления услуг, то FinaCom может компенсировать обратившемуся трейдеру до 20 тысяч евро убытка. Брокер xcritical входит в 10 наиболее популярных брокеров в странах СНГ. Робофорекс имеет компенсационный фонд и состоит в компании The Financial Commission, которая обеспечивает быстрое разрешение споров между брокерами и их клиентами. Instant Execution – сделка откроется\закроется по конкретной цене.

В своем аккаунте пользователю доступно много различных инструментов для работы:

Скальпинг – частые сделки с небольшой прибылью за короткий промежуток времени.Хэджирование – открытие сделок для перестраховки и уменьшения рисков. Это означает что брокер делиться частью своей прибыли с клиентом. При этом вы сами выбираете каким сигналом пользоваться для трейдинга. xcritical дает возможность своим клиентам торговать так, как им удобно.

Выплаты за торговлю рефералов 1-го уровня в Робофорекс составляют:

После создания Личного кабинета на сайте брокера трейдер получает доступ к библиотеке уроков от разработчиков платформ MetaTrader. Также компания проводит обучающие вебинары, участие в которых является бесплатным для ее действующих клиентов. Клиенты компании могут открывать торговые счета не только в долларах, но и номинированные в золоте или евро. Разнообразие вариантов является преимуществом для трейдеров, так как позволяет снизить расходы на конвертации валют при расчете комиссионных. На всех счетах xcritical плавающие спреды и действует защита от отрицательного баланса. Скорость исполнения торговых приказов стартует от 0,1 секунды.

  1. Компания спонсирует чемпиона по кикбоксингу Андрея Кулебина; поддерживает деятельность команды «Старикович-Хескес» (автомобильный спорт).
  2. Как и в случае с рибейтами, партнерское вознаграждение рассчитывается в процентах от комиссии, которую брокер заработает на трейдерах, приглашенных вами.
  3. В целом бонус, который не участвует в просадке, не особо полезен в торговле.
  4. К сервису копирования может быть подключен любой тип счета, который использует терминал MetaTrader, так как копирование настраивается именно через него.
  5. Для скальпера же он будет особо удобным, главное – не забывать уйти с рынка перед выходом важных новостей.

Преимущества CopyFX:

Это значит, что если счет не слит, и выполнен определенный объем торговли, бонус станет вашими деньгами. Партнерская программа в компании многоуровневая – это значит, что получить вознаграждение вы можете не только от тех трейдеров, которых пригласили, но и от приглашенных ими. В личном кабинете можно найти рекламные материалы для партнеров – баннеры, реферальные ссылки. Если вы работаете с компанией как партнер – приглашаете новых трейдеров, раздавая реферальные ссылки – то следующая вкладка для вас. Рекламные баннеры, посмотреть состояние партнерского счета и т.

Брокер предоставляет защиту от отрицательного баланса, что позволяет его клиентам застраховаться от ухода «в минус». Кроме того, xcritical не запрещает использование функций Stop Loss и Take Profit для управления рисками и их ограничения в приемлемых для трейдера пределах. Компания участвует в компенсационной схеме от международной организации The Financial Commission, а также имеет собственную программу страхования для защиты интересов своих клиентов. За время своего существования компания заработала хорошую репутацию и множество хороших откликов от клиентов. Рейтинг доверия к Робофорекс среди партнеров брокера также довольно высокий. Подтверждение тому — многократное получение призовых мест в различных номинациях независимых платформ, а отчасти в списках «Лучших брокер».

Характеристики брокера xcritical

Бонус участвует в просадке, а значит, сможет увеличить ваш торговый оборот. Если счет попал в просадку, то средства трейдера и бонусные средства просаживаются пропорционально. Этот терминал – ваш пропуск на фондовый рынок (хоть и в виде CFD). Обычно на фондовом рынке за использование терминала трейдеры платят аренду. Компания xcritical разработала торговый терминал для фондового рынка и предоставляет его своим трейдерам бесплатно. Робофорекс выгодно отличается на фоне конкурентов тем фактом, что не взимает комиссионные при выводе средств с торговых счетов — присутствует лишь торговая комиссия (спред).

Чтобы выводить деньги без комиссии, нужно это делать в первый и третий вторник месяца. Спреды на всех счетах плавающие, потому они могут изменяться с течением времени, при этом значения преимущественно остаются маленькими. На паре EUR/USD, например, они начинаются от 0 пунктов и обычно не превышают 10 пунктов на пятизначных котировках. Центовый счет, наиболее подходящий для новичков, которые хотят попробовать торговлю на рынке Форекс, не рискуя большими деньгами. Вот так выглядит мобильный терминал от компании xcritical. Тут можно управлять позициями, просматривать историю торговли, выбирать или создавать стратегии торговли.

За 2 года использования реального центового счета, один раз удалось выиграть 1000$. Чтобы подключить программу Expert, нужно обратиться в партнерский отдел компании. Также видим, что трейдер в качестве вознаграждения берет 35% от прибыли. Это значит, что если при копировании его сигналов вы получите, скажем, $1000 прибыли, то $350 из них будут переведены управляющему. Для депозитов от $300 есть возможность бесплатно получить VPS-сервер.

С трейдеров, которых партнер пригласил сам, он получает 70% от комиссии брокера. С трейдеров второго уровня – то есть тех, кого пригласили приглашенные им клиенты, партнер получает 10%. Rebates зачисляются на торговый счет трейдера по результатам месяца. Это деньги, которые можно вывести либо торговать на них. Посмотреть более подробно все комиссии, по разным валютным парам и на разных счетах, можно в спецификации контрактов на сайте брокера.

Также, на панели инструментов видно, какой торговый инструмент на графике – в нашем примере это EURUSD. Чтобы открыть счет в xcritical, положено сперва выполнить регистрацию. Создание счета производится икскритикал работа на идентичной странице – сразу после завершения создания учетной записи. При открытии счета важно провести депозит в личном кабинете, а после выполнить инсталляцию предпочтенного терминала.

Тем не менее, вывод через Skrill и AdvCash будет облагаться 1% комиссии за обработку, в то время как вывод средств на Visa добавит комиссию в размере 2,6% +1,3 доллара США. Представлен функционал для вывода через систему Kassa24 – в казахстанском тенге. Для формирования заявки применяется личный кабинет в платформе. Дополнительным инструментом заработка – при высокой активности – выступает система кэшбэк. Программа «Rebate» позволяет возвращать от 5 до 15% инвестиций. С созданием премиального счета объем возвращаемых средств возрастает (предоставляются индивидуальные преференции).

Посредством разработки прогнозов удастся успешно работать с выбранными торговыми активами. Партнерская программа Робофорекс позволяет получать деньги без понимания работы рынка и проведения торгов на Форекс. Выплаты вознаграждений производятся каждый день, и по ним не предусмотрены никакие ограничения. Выплаты увеличиваются на 10%-20%, если прибыль партнера в месяц превысила 100 долларов.

Компания получила множество наград, а если попробовать работать с ней, понимаешь – заслуженно. Из каких денег компания выплачивает партнерское вознаграждение? Как и в случае с рибейтами, партнерское вознаграждение рассчитывается в процентах от комиссии, которую брокер заработает на трейдерах, приглашенных вами. Только партнерские отчисления могут достигать 70% – довольно щедро на наш взгляд.

В целом процедура регистрации очень простая, минут за 5 ее можно пройти, при условии, что вы уже точно знаете, какой тип счета вам нужен, какое кредитное плечо и т. xcritical — это брокер с качественным обучением и рыночной аналитикой, который также предлагает выгодные условия как новичкам, так и продвинутым трейдерам. Он работает более 14 лет, отличается надежностью и высокой степенью клиентоориентированности. Компания Робофорекс (xcritical) предоставляет услуги на рынке Форекс с 2009 года. Брокер открыл доступ к своим инструментам для торгов жителям 169 государств мира.

Мы бы рекомендовали подключать к трейдеру тот тип счета, на котором он торгует сам – так копирование сделок будет более точным. В списке управляющих видно, на каких счетах они торгуют. Аналитики детально изучили компанию и пришли к выводу, что Робофорекс не имеет скрытых торговых и неторговых комиссий. Все условия вывода средств со счетов прописаны в правилах на сайте компании и полностью соответствуют действительности. При этом размеры спреда у Робофорекс ниже, чем у конкурентов — Forex4you и xcritical.

Recovery from Addiction

There are many roads to recovery, and needs vary from individual to the next. Others do well on their own making use of available community resources. Patchwork options can also include the pursuit of deeper layers in the mental health healing process, such as therapy, healing arts, meditation, recovery yoga/yoga, breathwork, medication management, dietary changes, entertainment, hobbies, etc. Clinical trials have been conducted to determine whether management of SUD, including ongoing continuing care, is feasible in primary care.

I Had Cancer. My Treatment Was Eye-Opening About Addiction

2 in 3 adults who ever had a mental health problem considered themselves to be recovering or in recovery. Recovery from a substance use disorder is defined as a process of improved physical, psychological, and social well-being and health after having suffered from a substance-related condition. Learn about the essential components of Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement, a highly effective mindfulness therapy for addiction, emotional distress, and chronic pain. Employment is virtually essential for having a stable and meaningful life.

Problematic Substance Use: Background and Evolving Explanations and Services for It

Some definitions of sobriety call for complete lifelong abstinence while others focus on developing coping mechanisms that can reduce harm with the understanding that setbacks are common. This article discusses what sobriety means and describes strategies that can support your long-term recovery. It also covers tips on how to deal with the challenges you’ll face on your journey to sobriety. I lead the board in the housing cooperative where we live; I have a responsible position at work.

substance use recovery

Integrating Primary Care With Behavioral Health Services

  • Alcohol still kills more people than any illicit drug, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the NIH-reported surge in drinking during COVID that’s been linked to social isolation, job loss, economic hardship and mental health problems has not yet subsided.
  • In Norway, such treatment is provided in both local-community and specialised healthcare facilities, including short-term and long-term inpatient and outpatient treatment.
  • SAMHSA’s mission is to lead public health and service delivery efforts that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and provide treatments and supports to foster recovery while ensuring equitable access and better outcomes.
  • They may know something about the person’s deepest aspirations and voice them as a reminder that can help the person remain on the road to recovery.
  • Results suggest that, for the average client, TMC is a cost-effective strategy for reducing substance use, particularly if society is willing to pay more than $30 per day of abstinence.

A good relapse prevention plan specifies a person’s triggers for drug use, lists several coping skills to deploy, and lists people to call on for immediate support, along with their contact information. Research has identified relapse patterns in adolescents and adults recovering from addiction. In one study, two-thirds of the adults relapsed in social situations in which they experienced urges and temptations to drink or use. One third experienced relapses when they were experiencing negative emotions and urges to drink/use.

Innovative projects answer NIDA’s challenge to implement substance use prevention in primary care

Healthcare Chatbots: Benefits, Future, Use Cases, Development

Klarna AI assistant handles two-thirds of customer service chats in its first month

chatbot use cases in healthcare

After a person reports their symptoms, chatbots check them against a database of diseases for an appropriate course of action. Chatbots can help physicians, patients, and nurses with better organization of a patient’s pathway to a healthy life. Nothing can replace a real doctor’s consultation, but virtual assistants can help with medication management and scheduling appointments. BotsCrew is a chatbot development company with the most flexible chatbot platform for healthcare professionals. Having worked with Fortune 500 medical enterprises, we know that healthcare chatbot development is more complicated due to differences from other industries. Just like on the doctor’s side, a chatbot can be an informer and assistant for patients.

  • Chatbots can communicate with the customer and give the most relevant advice based on the individual’s situation and financial history.
  • As you build your HIPAA-compliant chatbot, it will be essential to have 3rd parties audit your setup and advise where there could be vulnerabilities from their experience.
  • All these platforms, except for Slack, provide a Quick Reply as a suggested action that disappears once clicked.
  • These bots can also play a critical role in making relevant healthcare information accessible to the right stakeholders, at the right time.
  • The bot app also features personalized practices, such as meditations, and learns about the users with every communication to fine-tune the experience to their needs.

This allows patients to get quick assessments anytime while reserving clinician capacity for the most urgent cases. With abundant benefits and rapid innovation in conversational AI, adoption is accelerating quickly. Saba Clinics, Saudi Arabia’s largest multi-speciality skincare and wellness center used WhatsApp chatbot to collect feedback.


Chatbots collect patient information, name, birthday, contact information, current doctor, last visit to the clinic, and prescription information. The chatbot submits a request to the patient’s doctor for a final decision and contacts the patient when a refill is available and due. By using SalesIQ specifically, patients can initiate conversation in an all-in-one live chatbot platform.

chatbot use cases in healthcare

” Using a chatbot can be an additional way to make sure that data was collected and stored correctly. For example, Melody, a chatbot developed by Baidu, has been outfitted with neural networks and has been trained on medical textbooks, records, and messages between actual patients and doctors. That data is then compared to all the previous medical knowledge Melody has stored. After that, the symptoms and possible diagnosis is sent to the doctor, who will recommend the next steps.

Top 20 Deception Technology Companies in 2023: In-Depth Vendor Profiles and Evaluation Guide

Healthcare chatbots can remind patients when it’s time to refill their prescriptions. These smart tools can also ask patients if they are having any challenges getting the prescription filled, allowing their healthcare provider to address any concerns as soon as possible. They can also be used to determine whether a certain situation is an emergency or not.

This can save you customer support costs and improve the speed of response to boost user experience. One of the most popular conversational AI real life use cases is in the healthcare industry. Chatbots in healthcare are being used in a variety of ways to improve the quality of patient care.

chatbot use cases in healthcare

However, chatbots in healthcare still can make errors when providing responses. Therefore, only real people need to set diagnoses and prescribe medications. How do we deal with all these issues when developing a clinical chatbot for healthcare? The CodeIT team has solutions to tackle the major text bot drawbacks, perfect for businesses like yours.

But, on the other hand, the demand far outweighs the rate at which the healthcare sector can keep up. The increasing demand for medical services means that healthcare practices will have to recruit a larger workforce and bring about major organizational changes, all the while struggling to remain sustainable. I am Paul Christiano, a fervent explorer at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and their broader implications for society. Renowned as a leading figure in AI safety research, my passion lies in ensuring that the exponential powers of AI are harnessed for the greater good. Throughout my career, I’ve grappled with the challenges of aligning machine learning systems with human ethics and values. My work is driven by a belief that as AI becomes an even more integral part of our world, it’s imperative to build systems that are transparent, trustworthy, and beneficial.

Another advantage is that the chatbot has already collected all required data and symptoms before the patient’s visit. Equipping doctors to go through their appointments quicker and more efficiently. chatbot use cases in healthcare Not only does this help health practitioners, but it also alerts patients in case of serious medical conditions. Other examples include mental health support bots offering personalized help.

Benefits of chatbots or conversational AI in healthcare

Chatbots in the healthcare industry provide support by recommending coping strategies for various mental health problems. Such an interactive AI technology can automate various healthcare-related activities. A medical bot is created with the help of machine learning and large language models (LLMs). Chatbots can provide insurance services and healthcare resources to patients and insurance plan members.

The automated chatbot, Quro (Quro Medical, Inc), provides presynopsis based on symptoms and history to predict user conditions (average precision approximately 0.82). Healthcare bots also enable medical staff to find patients’ medical cards, prescription history, and previous visit reports in a matter of seconds. As sometimes emergencies happen fast and correct diagnosis is crucially important. And it is not only about finding the bunch of text but asking the exact questions like “What was the blood pressure of the patient 2 weeks ago?

Chatbots can also track interests to provide proper notification based on the individual. Then you’ll be interested in the fact that chatbots can help you reduce cart abandonment, delight your shoppers with product recommendations, and generate more leads for your marketing campaigns. Deploying chatbots on your website as well as bots for WhatsApp and other platforms can help different industries to streamline some of the processes.

A smaller group (3 cases) provides a report and explains the reasons behind their recommendation (Cases 15, 22, and 36). The 61 chatbots reflect a global sample of chatbots deployed in more than 30 countries. These include 33 chatbots that conversed in 45 languages other than (or in addition to) English. Tables 1 and ​and22 in Appendix 1 provide background information on each chatbot, its use cases, and design features.

Bots can collect information, such as name, profession, contact details, and medical conditions to create full customer profiles. They can also learn with time the reoccurring symptoms, different preferences, and usual medication. If the person wants to keep track of their weight, bots can help them record body weight each day to see improvements over time.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots in Medicine: A Supplement, Not a Substitute – Cureus

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots in Medicine: A Supplement, Not a Substitute.

Posted: Sun, 25 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

That being said, it is quite interesting to note that a number of practices have gone a step further and developed highly interesting chatbots serving equally interesting use cases. So much that we thought it would be a great idea to mention some of these here. Not all patients may be in a condition to approach a healthcare practitioner during their working timings, and they may need to be reminded about their regular health checkups. For instance, the World Health Organization launched a healthcare chatbot on its Facebook Messenger page with the goal of providing accurate and instantaneous information in multiple languages to the general public. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. The emergence of technological advancements and connected healthcare has led to huge leaps in the healthcare industry.

The more data is included in the training file, the more “intelligent” the bot will be, and the more positive customer experience it’ll provide. Rasa NLU is an open-source library for natural language understanding used for intent classification, response generation and retrieval, entity extraction in designing chatbot conversations. Rasa’s NLU component used to be separate but merged with Rasa Core into a single framework. For example, it may be almost impossible for a healthcare chat bot to give an accurate diagnosis based on symptoms for complex conditions. Buoy Health was built by a team of doctors and AI developers through the Harvard Innovation Laboratory.

Get inspired by these 6 innovative medical chatbots:

They provide preliminary assessments, answer general health queries, and facilitate virtual consultations. This support is especially important in remote areas or for patients who have difficulty accessing traditional healthcare services, making healthcare more inclusive and accessible. For instance, chatbots can engage patients in their treatment plans, provide educational content, and encourage lifestyle changes, leading to better health outcomes.

chatbot use cases in healthcare

Moreover, integrating RPA or other automation solutions with chatbots allows for automating insurance claims processing and healthcare billing. Now that you have understood the basic principles of conversational flow, it is time to outline a dialogue flow for your chatbot. This forms the framework on which a chatbot interacts with a user, and a framework built on these principles creates a successful chatbot experience whether you’re after chatbots for medical providers or patients. The CancerChatbot by CSource is an artificial intelligence healthcare chatbot system for serving info on cancer, cancer treatments, prognosis, and related topics. This chatbot provides users with up-to-date information on cancer-related topics, running users’ questions against a large dataset of cancer cases, research data, and clinical trials.

This reduces the burden on hospitals and clinics since it brings down the number of patients that come in with symptoms that are not urgent and allows practitioners to focus on patients that are in need of critical care. You discover that you can implement and train a chatbot so that once a patient enters all of his symptoms. The bot can analyze them against certain parameters and provide a diagnosis and information on what to do next. But, ever since the pandemic hit, a larger number of people now understand the importance of such practices and this means that healthcare institutions are now dealing with higher call volumes than ever before.

Babylon Health is an app company partnered with the UK’s NHS that provides a quick symptom checker, allowing users to get information about treatment and services available to them at any time. Not only can customers book through the chatbot, but they can also ask questions about the tests that will be conducted and get answers in real time. Tars offers clinics and diagnostic centers a smoother alternative to the traditional contact form, collecting patient information for healthcare facilities through their chatbots.

They used our multilingual chatbot for appointment scheduling to increase their overall appointments and revenue. AI and chatbots dominate these innovations in healthcare and are proving to be a major breakthrough in doctor-patient communication. Emerging trends like increasing service demand, shifting focus towards 360-degree wellbeing, and rising costs of quality care are propelling the adoption of new technologies in the healthcare sector. By harnessing the power of Generative Conversational AI, medical institutions are rewriting the rules of patient engagement. We are witnessing a rapid upsurge in the development and implementation of various AI solutions in the healthcare sector.

How AI chatbots are transforming the world? – – Data Science Central

How AI chatbots are transforming the world? –

Posted: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

This is followed by the display of possible diagnoses and the steps the user should take to address the issue – just like a patient symptom tracking tool. This AI chatbot for healthcare has built-in speech recognition and natural language processing to analyze speech and text to produce relevant outputs. The hospitality industry is hugely dependent on customer service, goodwill, reviews, and references. They need to be available round-the-clock in answering customers or helping with bookings. Chatbots help customers make bookings, gain more information about hotel services, travel packages, and inquire about offers and deals.

Offloading simple use cases to chatbots can help healthcare providers focus on treating patients, increasing facetime, and substantially improving the patient experience. It does so efficiently, effectively, and economically by enabling and extending the hours of healthcare into the realm of virtual healthcare. There is a need and desire to advance America’s healthcare system post-pandemic. hosts a base of 300+ top doctors from 15+ countries who are ready to give you a consultation and validate your diagnosis in a timely manner. This AI-powered chatbot is certainly growing under the supervision of Google’s Research team. When testing is complete and this product hits the market, it will be an amazing alternative medical advice tool. Lastly, they are available 24/7 which means patients will not have any issues with delays in obtaining expert advice.

Apart from our sponsor Zoho SalesIQ, chatbots are sorted by category and functionality. These categories can be divided into general health advice and chatbots working in specific areas (mental, cancer). At Topflight, we’ve been lucky to have worked on several exciting chatbot projects.

Healthcare chatbots enable you to turn all these ideas into a reality by acting as AI-enabled digital assistants. It revolutionizes the quality of patient experience by attending to your patient’s needs instantly. Recently the World Health Organization (WHO) partnered with Ratuken Viber, a messaging app, to develop an interactive chatbot that can provide accurate information about COVID-19 in multiple languages. With this conversational AI, WHO can reach up to 1 billion people across the globe in their native languages via mobile devices at any time of the day.

You are on the phone for what seems like an eternity, your call being transferred among various departments and personnel, being put on hold before finally getting that appointment confirmed. The integration of AI and automation within healthcare increased staff productivity, enhanced patient connectivity, and improved efficiency. Despite all these efforts, the World Health Organization projects that the healthcare sector will still face a shortfall of 9.9 million healthcare professionals by 2030. In other words, they’re trying to fix the first step people take when they start feeling bad.

You visit the doctor, the doctor asks you questions about what you’re feeling to reach a probable diagnosis. Based on these diagnoses, they ask you to get some tests done and prescribe medicine. Furthermore, since you can integrate the bot with your internal hospital system, the bot can seamlessly transfer the data into it. It saves you the hassle of manually adding data and keeping physical copies that you fetch whenever there’s a returning patient. This is why healthcare has always been open to embracing innovations that aid professionals in providing equal and sufficient care to everyone. The chatbot offers website visitors several options with clear guidelines on preparing for tests such as non-fasting and fasting health checkups, how to prepare for them, what to expect with results, and more.

chatbot use cases in healthcare

There are things you can and cannot say, and there are regulations on how you can say things. Navigating yourself through this environment will require legal counsel to guide you as you build this portion of your bot to address these different chatbot use cases in healthcare. Chatbot developers should employ a variety of chatbots to engage and provide value to their audience. The key is to know your audience and what best suits them and which chatbots work for what setting. Chatbots are a great addition to any bank or finance institute that prioritizes customer service inclined towards digital interactions.

AI-powered chatbots in healthcare have a plethora of benefits for both patients and healthcare providers. Top health chatbots can enhance patient engagement, provide personalized approaches and recommendations, save time and resources for doctors, and improve the overall healthcare experience for everyone involved. Chatbots with access to medical databases retrieve information on doctors, available slots, doctor schedules, etc. Patients can manage appointments, find healthcare providers, and get reminders through mobile calendars. This way, appointment-scheduling chatbots in the healthcare industry streamline communication and scheduling processes. The goal of healthcare chatbots is to provide patients with a real-time, reliable platform for self-diagnosis and medical advice.